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is it possible to add a new diagram setting dialog?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:29 am
by Stephen

thanks so much for providing this excellent software.

I am currently using gowrite 3.0.6. when I try to print sgf to pdf, I prefer to use two kind of diagram, one is the normal diagram,another is the diagrams only used in variation.

there is one diagram setting in Gowrite (via options -> default diagram setting.).

I am wondering if you can add one more diagram setting dialog only for the diagrams used in variation.

the reason is :

for the normal diagram, not setting new numbering and show range of move numbers. but when I used diagram in variations, I prefer select "start number from 1" and not showing moving numbers.



Re: is it possible to add a new diagram setting dialog?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:42 pm
by lpaatero
Currently this works only if diagrams are updated using wizard. Wizard can differentiate between diagram in variation and in main game.

I will look how much work this would be at next update.

- Lauri